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How to Plan an Engaging Internet Safety Research Project for Students

Hey there, loyal readers! I am thrilled to share a really great teaching unit with you. For the past 3 school years I have done a unit with my 5th grade students that assesses their knowledge of Internet Safety while also incorporating standards for research, presentation, and working together. I created a video clip that walks you through the unit so you can see first-hand how I have it already set up for you to link to and use with your students- tomorrow!

The website I'm mentioning in the video is http://technologylessonsexample.weebly.com/internet-safety-project-6-weeks.html. Just like any teacher's website, it is definitely still a work in progress. At this point in the school year there are many unfinished lessons that I had to re-think because they didn't work as well as I wanted them to last year. I am always looking for suggestions for topics to add, so just let me know of a lesson you would like to see and I will work on it. I would love it if you use any and all of these resources.

Don't worry, middle school technology teachers, I am working on a site for you, too! Let me know (in the comments) what your must-have units are and I will work on those first.

Full-disclosure. I do have ads on my website. I make mere pennies on them but maybe someday I will have millions of viewers and all of my hard work will actually earn more than pennies. *wishful thinking*

Anyway, thanks for reading/watching!

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