3 Things to Consider when Establishing a Classroom Entrance Procedure- For the Computer Lab
3 Things to Consider when Establishing a Classroom Entrance Procedure- For the Computer Lab
If you're a technology teacher then this post is for you! I did a Facebook Live video with 3 tips for establishing a solid entrance procedure for the computer lab. You can check that out below. These are the 3 tips I shared.
1. Be as consistent as possible
This just means that you need to make a decision and stick to it. Don't start the year one way and then change your mind. It confuses your students and they will act up. That being said, if something isn't working, take the time to establish and practice a new procedure.
2. It looks different for the big kids and the little kids
For this tip you have to watch the video. I go through the procedures I use for 3-5 versus k-2. Tell me in the comments how you do it.
3. Practice Makes Perfect
You have to do the procedure over and over again to make it stick. If you put in the work now, the rest of your school year will go so much more smoothly.
Now check out this Facebook Live Video:
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