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How to use Digital Book Companions to Guarantee Successful Read Alouds

Digital Book Companions

 What is a Digital Book Companion?

I'm so glad you asked! I LOVE read aloud books and my students do, too. Teaching in the technology lab doesn't leave a lot of time to do read alouds because they are usually only used as a warm up or early finisher activity. NOT any more! 

I want you to start using read alouds as the entire lesson in your tech lab or the library! This means you're going to need some technology themed read aloud books and the corresponding digital book companions. 

A digital book companion is similar to a regular book companion in that it asks students to identify things like the main idea, order or events, and make connections to the book. The main difference is that my students do these activities on a tablet or computer. This means that they can practice their technology skills right along with literacy skills! Win win.
Digital Book Companions

What makes a digital book companion an entire lesson?

I'm able to use these read aloud books and the digital companion activities as a whole lesson like this:
  • A little bit of teacher prep- get the book, get the digital book companion (split the activities into 3)
  • Read the book to your class at least one time
  • Have students access their digital book companion activities on a tablet, laptop, or desktop computer (or with the littlest students you could do it as a whole class on the interactive whiteboard)
  • Students complete 3 literacy activities and 1 creation tool activity, then do the early finisher stuff if they have time left. 
I design my digital book activities with 12 total activities (9 literacy and 3 tech creation tools) so that I can use 3 literacy activities and 1 tech creation tool with each grade level (grades 3, 4, and 5, for example). I am able to use the same read aloud book 3 years in a row with my students because they have different digital activities to complete each year. 

Digital Book Companions

What makes a good book for a read aloud when doing digital activities?

I generally choose books with a technology theme so that they can meet the technology standards I teach. Think Internet Safety, screen time, computer troubleshooting, etc. This way I can pull in literacy standards with my technology standards and everyone is happy!

I've started a line of Digital Book Companions and plan to add about 12 more books to it. Most of them will have options for grades K-2 and for grades 3-5. 

Thanks for reading! Do you have any books to request for digital book companions? Leave your ideas in the comments and I will put them on my to do list!

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