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Essential Oils

I'm relatively new to the world of essential oils. I have played around with tea tree, lavender, and peppermint, but never really knew each of their full benefits. I was introduced to Young Living EO's and absolutely love their Every Day Oils kit.
As a teacher, we are around germs constantly. Since I see 4 different classes every day, I am definitely diligent about cleaning and purifying my classroom. I diffuse Purification (which smells like Starburst candy to me) regularly, and Thieves if there is some kind of sickness going around. 

Any teacher that sees more than one class in a day knows how the energy is different with each group. I love to use Lavender mixed with Grapefruit, or Stress Away for a subtle mood enhancer- for me and the kids!

I'm just starting to explore recipes for taking Young Living EO's internally. I read about a detox of peppermint, lavender, and lemon so I'm trying that today. I put 4 drops of each into a capsule (made enough for 4 capsules so I don't have to do it each day), and swallowed it with a bottle of water. About 20 minutes later I definitely feel the peppermint in my esophagus- is that normal? Who knows, but it just feels cold, not bothersome. I will come back and update on how this little detox is going. 

If you use essential oils I would love to hear ideas for how to use them in the classroom and at home. Thanks for reading!

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