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Should I Stay or Should I Go Series - Post 2

Oh boy has a lot changed since my last post. Quick recap- lost funding for technology education so I was given the choice to go into the classroom or transfer to a different school in the district. 

I had an "aha" moment where I realized that teaching 4th grade could be awesome, so I officially told my principal that I am on board! I set up a few times to observe reading teachers so that I can start to learn about the curriculum and different ways to set up my 90 minute literacy block. I pinned everything and started creating interactive notebook pages for the literacy standards (got 2 done yay!). Really starting to wrap my head around it. 

So of course that didn't last long. Last night my husband was asked to consider a promotion that would move us about an hour and a half away. This would definitely mean moving because that is way too long to commute. We looked a real estate and we could afford so much house where we are going (score!). The school system is decent too. I think we are leaning toward saying yes because it is a phenomenal career opportunity for him. 

I will continue to hunt for 4th grade resources while we figure out what we are doing. If I am changing school districts I will try to find a technology or science position instead of a classroom teacher position. Wish me luck!

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