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Technology Task Cards for Primary Students

I've had this product in my store for ages, and I've recently made some updates to it. These aren't just any set of task cards. Each card has a prompt to complete a  task and an open ended question to guide the learning. The activities are designed to help the students practice using a technology tool, communicate technology concepts, and review or practice a common core standard. 

In addition to the task cards, there are worksheets to help students complete the activities. This means that you can use these task cards even if you don't have access to the technology devices that are suggested. 

Check out the examples below to see if this is something you could use in your classroom. 

There are 9 task cards included in this file. They were written for the kindergarten common core standards, but could definitely apply to first and second grade. Some of the words might be hard for a kindergarten student to understand. I recommend introducing each task card and technology tool to the whole group before a student is expected to be able to complete the task independently. 

I hope you and your students enjoy these activities. 

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