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TpT Milestone Giveaway

I am incredibly excited to be celebrating a Milestone on TpT. To make it just as exciting for you, I'm giving away 5 $10 gift cards to my TpT Store. At the bottom of this post you will see the Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. 

For the event, I've decided to make one of my favorite products free for a week (7/5-7/12/15).

I wrote a blog post with ideas for integrating this resource at ANY grade level and in any content area here. This product is perfect for absolutely any teacher. All 24 of the technology sub-standards are represented by an essential question which can be used to inspire learning and/or assess understanding. Grab them now while they're free, and don't forget to leave feedback!

Thank you so much to all of my followers who have made this milestone possible. TpT has totally changed my life. I used to have 3 different part time jobs just to pay the bills (#teacherproblems). TpT has become my ONLY part time job and the extra money has been incredibly freeing. I won't be leaving the classroom any time soon, but it sure helps to save for summer-stay-home-money. Creating resources has also made me a much better teacher. I now know how to really look at the standards and understand what I want my students to learn. It's also a great creative outlet.

How has TpT helped you in your classroom? I know it saves me so much time when I can purchase the perfect set of foldables or printables for the unit I'm working on. Share your love for TpT in the comments. Thanks for reading and celebrating with me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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