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Should I Stay or Should I Go Series - Post 3

If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I totally overthink everything. I'm that girl that leaves a conversation and then can't get it out of my head because of something weird I said or an awkward silence, etc. Ugh I just can't help myself. 

So this week I had 2 interviews! While I don't necessarily plan on leaving the 4th grade position I have accepted at my current school (moving from being the technology specialist), I want to keep my options open. 

I was so excited to land an interview at a charter school that is a Leader in Me school. I love the idea of shaping students into tomorrow's leaders while also challenging them academically. I was majorly nervous the whole day - interview was at 2:30pm. I wore one of my favorite dresses with a cardigan and matching flats. It was like 90 degrees out so I was really sweaty and uncomfortable. Am I the only one who loathes belts that land right below the ribs, like on the diaphragm? It makes me feel like I can't take a full breath and then I get a stomach ache. So even though I said this was my favorite dress, it is not the most comfortable. While I was driving there I had to unbuckle. I nearly forgot to buckle it again when I got there. Can you imagine?! haha. 

Anyhoo... the interview was definitely just preliminary questions. They seemed to love my answers about classroom management and technology integration. I had no answer about using Daily 5 or Go Math, because I haven't used either of these in my technology classroom. I promise I'm a quick learner! I got a quick tour of the school (because there are only 6 total classrooms) and I was on my way. Y'all, I forgot to send an email thanking them until after business hours 2 days later! Oh I will kick myself for that one. 

The other interview I did was a digital interview in which I had to record myself answering 9 questions and submit it for them to review. Again, very preliminary questions. I didn't see the questions until the recording was live. I didn't love the questions. There was some wasted opportunity in my opinion. If you only ask 9 questions, make them great! I was totally thrown off by one question that was something like "who is responsible for student failure?" Did they want to hear that it is solely the teacher's responsibility? I talked about the cliche that it takes a village to raise a child, and I believe it is a team responsibility to ensure success, so then it is a team's fault when a child fails, right? Confusing. 

Obviously I was prepared to answer questions about technology (digital interview and all) but the questions didn't give me much of an opportunity to talk about the technology tools I'm excited to use. They were more along the lines of "how will I build relationships in a non-traditional setting?" Did I mention this one was for an online public school? 

So now I wait for call-backs. I am thinking I will get a call back for each of the positions. Hopefully I will know early next week. My birthday is the 18th and that would be quite the treat!

My friend Mary asked if I would accept either of these positions if they were offered. I feel like I don't know enough about either situation to say yes at this point. I do feel great about the 4th grade math and science position at my current school. It is intimidating but I know I would be great. Just nervous that I'm going to be the one who gets a crazy parent or 2 that hassle me. 

Tell me about your interviews!

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